Futurock Tour Flyers

Futurock FM is an independent radio station from Argentina.In 2022, they hit the road and toured around the country, connecting with their community of subscribers and promoting local travel at the same time. They made stops in  cities like Rosario, Tucumán, Bariloche, Paraná, Neuquén, Chaco and Córdoba.

I got to design these flyers to announce each tour date. I took inspiration from those classic Argentine tourism decals you see with the maps and icons of different provinces. The designs were then printed as stickers that the listeners could grab and take home as souvenirs of the event.


This project is very special to me because I had the opportunity to work with three things that are very dear to me, Argentina, Nature and Culture.
Before diving into the world of design, I actually studied geology (I know, big change!) But my love for nature has always been a constant in my life, and this project gave me the opportunity to express that love through my work.

Being able to represent the beauty of Argentina's landscapes and showcase its cultural richness was something I really enjoyed doing. 
It was a wonderful experience to merge these elements and create something that resonated with people, allowing them to appreciate the natural wonders and cultural heritage of our amazing country.


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